Sunday, November 2, 2014

Five for Friday... Super late! But refer to number 4 :)

I'm super late... We left for Philadelphia on Thursday afternoon and Friday was crazy! But I am still doing the link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching

As I said, we went to Philadelphia for the weekend! I absolutely love visiting cities and this was not a let down at all! It is absolutely beautiful there, even with a little rain :) 

My little man was a totally cute giraffe for Halloween! We took him to Boo at the Zoo where he got to see his "brother" giraffes. He kept saying I have your brother, I have your brother to the giraffes. It was adorable. 

My kiddos were practicing comparing and ordering numbers to 100 last week. We did a really fun ordering numbers practice on sentence strips and I definitely helped me to see who got it and who was still having a hard time seeing the difference in the place values. You can grab a copy of it by clicking the image below. 

Oh yes... A Sale! It's 20% off all my MATH products! I had written on my Facebook about some of my journal prompts and how helpful they are.  I would love for everyone to check them out and see for themselves! 

Let's refer back to NUMBER 1!! :) 

My husband used some photo editor on that last one... Which is why we look like a painting :P

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