Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Operations and Algebraic Thinking

The new Common Core Math Standards are a little ridiculous for some of my kiddies. I have been using my Math Journals A LOT to add extra practice on some of those tricky math skills. I took the Common Core Unpacking Standards document and pretty much memorized the thing. I then took it upon myself to create a Math Journal Prompt packet all about Operations and Algebraic Thinking. It's 15 different journal prompts based off things I learned from unpacking the standards. Here is a little sample for you to try out in your math journals. If you like it, you can head over to my TPT store and get the whole packet.

Sample Operations and Algebraic Thinking                                                                                                   

Monday, March 26, 2012

Teacher Tipster

I selected this post to be featured on Kindergarten Blogs. Please visit the site and vote for my blog!

So I don't know how many of you have heard of the Teacher Tipster. Not only is he good for a laugh, but he has great ideas for songs. My co-worker introduced me to his work and I am so grateful.

3D shapes can be hard for such young kiddies to grasp, but with these catchy rhymes, it will be a breeze. You probably don't want to show them the video, but learn the rhymes for each shape and teach away :) Your kiddies will love them! 

With the new Common Core, we focus solely on cube, cylinder, sphere and cone. Once we get our 3D shapes down, we do a magazine shape hunt for those four 3D shapes.

3D Shape Hunt                                                                                                   

Enjoy :)

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Ordering Numbers

These are fun for the kiddies and a quick way to see if they know how to order numbers. I use these a lot, especially to practice those tricky teens!! My kiddies love to make sentence strip hats with these :) I uploaded two different versions (0-15 or 1-20) you can use depending on where your kiddies are.

Ordering Numbers to 15                                                                                                   
Ordering Numbers to 20                                                                                                   

Saturday, March 24, 2012

First Post!

So excited that I finally found the time to create my blog and write my first post! Sadly, it's because I am out on maternity leave! Yes, you read that correctly. A first year teacher out on maternity leave. It was a shock to us, as well :) I was planning to teach until yesterday, the 23rd, but because of some pregnancy issues, I got put on "house arrest" as of March 6th. Boo. I miss my kiddies, but I know they are in great hands.
 Our little guy is due on March 28th, but I hope he comes sooner!! I can't wait to meet him! In the meantime, now I have all of this free time to create new materials and get organized for the end of year and next year. Yay! I am so excited.