Monday, March 26, 2012

Teacher Tipster

I selected this post to be featured on Kindergarten Blogs. Please visit the site and vote for my blog!

So I don't know how many of you have heard of the Teacher Tipster. Not only is he good for a laugh, but he has great ideas for songs. My co-worker introduced me to his work and I am so grateful.

3D shapes can be hard for such young kiddies to grasp, but with these catchy rhymes, it will be a breeze. You probably don't want to show them the video, but learn the rhymes for each shape and teach away :) Your kiddies will love them! 

With the new Common Core, we focus solely on cube, cylinder, sphere and cone. Once we get our 3D shapes down, we do a magazine shape hunt for those four 3D shapes.

3D Shape Hunt                                                                                                   

Enjoy :)

1 comment:

  1. Yeah for adding a follower button! I now officially follow you!

    Thank you for the link to the song! =)

    Heather's Heart


Thanks for the love♥